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Hooters Wax. Australian. Not sure of the year or maker.

KEG. Huge bar made by Surf Wacks Products. Have not used this, but have used others by the same maker. Great stuff.

Mark Sainsbury Invitational Bar. Australian. Maker???

Nexium Wax. Obviously a promo item made by a wax company for a medication. Shimmie, thank you for helping me with this one. you're IT!!!

Pacific Dreams. This is the back of the bar. Next photo is the front. Killer mold.

Pacific Dreams Wax. Here is the front.

Shimmie Wax. Here is the full set. I have bar #0 on another page. Shimmie and Red. Great comic/idea. Shimmie, what can I say. . .you're awesome!!

Spider Web Wax. Australian from Byron Bay.

Stansen Wax Tub. Australian. Only a bunch made. Not sure of the year or maker.

Sticky Dream Bar. Another Surf Wacks Product.

Same deal just in a tub form. Works well.

Stubby Wax. Same as the previous photo. Same maker, etc.

Green Stuff and Pink Stuff. I have an original bar fomr the 80's in gallery #1. This stuff is new. Australian.

Summer Breeze Bar. Australian. 70s.

Summer Breeze Tub. Again, not sure of the year or maker. Australian.


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